Transition to secondary school

Children who have an EHC plan will be supported with the transfer from primary school to secondary school. This is known as transition.

Some examples of support that can be put into place are:

  • Passport – includes information about the new place and photos, which can sometimes be taken when doing induction visits. 
  • Meetings – primary and secondary school Senco’s meet during the summer term to discuss students transitioning
  • Meeting – the secondary school Senco invited to meeting with parents if child has significant needs and transition needs to be discussed in depth
  • Meeting – Secondary School staff may wish to visit the child and observe in the primary school setting
  • Buddy system in new school
  • Coloured timetables and maps to ensure the young person can navigate the school
  • Social stories to prepare for the move
  • Meet and greet, to ensure settling in well
  • Using an alternative entrance to avoid the main crowds if causing anxiety

Induction days will take place in the summer term for your child.  Induction days are a useful way to introduce a child to their secondary school.  The school will notify you of the induction day dates but can also arrange extra visits for children with SEN if it is required.

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