Provider agreement
All childcare providers who deliver funded early education entitlement (FEEE) are required to agree and adhere to the early years provider agreement issued by the council.
The sign-up process is supported by the Early Education Development Team.
Providers who are delivering FEEE places will receive the agreement and annex documents in the summer term 2023 via DocuSign, which is a secure eSignature platform used by the council. If you have not received the correspondence or would like additional reference copies of the agreement and annex documents, please contact the Early Education Development Team.
New providers that have not previously signed-up to deliver FEEE places and would like to, should also contact the Early Education Development team.
Providers are required to keep their service information up to date on MyChoice Directory. This can be done by completing the childcare profile form.
Contact Early Education Development Team
Telephone: 0116 454 4190