A childminder is self-employed and runs their own business. Childminders look after one or more children under the age of eight for more than a total of 2 hours a day for reward.
Most childminders looking after children under the age of 8 must register with Ofsted or a childminder agency.
Most childcare providers looking after children under the age of 8 must register with Ofsted. Childminders can choose to register with a childminder agency instead. Childminder agencies register childminders and give training, business support, advice and help finding suitable parent
- Further information about childminder agencies
- List and contact details of all childminder agencies in England
- Childminder agencies currently operating in Leicester
There are two Ofsted registers: The Early Years Register and the Childcare Register.
- You must register on the Early Years Register to look after children from birth up to the 31 August after their fifth birthday.
- You must register on the compulsory part of the Childcare Register to look after children aged 5 to 7.
- You must register on both registers to look after children of all ages.
- You can register on the voluntary part of the Childcare Register to look after children over 8 or to look after children in their own home.
- Useful links to relevant Ofsted documents:
Before you can register as a childminder you will also need to:
- Complete training that enables you to understand and implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)- If registering on the Early Years Register.
- Complete a 12-hour paediatric first aid course.
- Fill in a health declaration form and get it signed by your GP- the health check only applies to those on the early years register.
- Obtain a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) enhanced check
- Ofsted Registration for childminders - What you need to know if you want to be a childminder
Next Steps
If you intend to register as a childminder in Leicester, you will need to submit an start a childcare business enquiry form. The EED team can provide help with the Ofsted registration process and can offer pre-registration visits to your home to:
- Explain the requirements and process of registering as a childminder
- Discuss training needs and signpost to relevant training courses
- Inform you of the process of applying to Ofsted to register as a childminder
- Help you to carry out risk assessments and make the home environment safe for young children
- Support you throughout the registration process
- Offer business support
If you reside outside of the city, please refer to Leicestershire County Council's information
Further information
Ofsted Childcare Registration Facebook page
Childcare on non-domestic premises
Becoming a childminder and running your business - step by step guidance with further links to information including Becoming a childminder, DBS checks and EYFS.
Childminders and childcare providers - guidance for registering with Ofsted
Apply for a childminder start-up grant - eligible new childminders can apply for a start-up grant to recover the costs of registering as a childminder.
Childminder pre-registration online briefing - PACEY (fee payable)