Money advice and debt support
If you are experiencing financial worry, the following services can offer advice and support.
Cost of living support
Better Off Leicester can help you find out what benefits and financial support is available to you, and offers debt and budgeting advice.
Welfare rights service
The Welfare Rights Service offers benefit checking and form filling appointments at Children's Centres.
Money Helper
The Money Helper Service (previously Money Advice) helps people manage their money. The service do this directly through their own free and impartial advice service. They also work in partnership with other organisations to help people make the most of their money.
Community Support Grant
The Community support grants scheme for crisis applications can help with the following:
- vouchers for gas and electricity for customers with a prepayment meter and responsibility for a utility supply in Leicester
- food.
Please be aware we do not provide cash.
The Big Difference Scheme
The Big Difference Scheme can help customers who are in receipt of a low income and struggling to pay their water charges. If eligible for the scheme, customers could receive up to 90% off the average Severn Trent Water bill.
Debt Support Trust
Debt Support Trust a registered charity that provides debt advice and support for people who are struggling to manage their debts.
Fashion and Textile Children's Trust
Fashion and Textile Children's Trust provides grants to eligible parents and carers working in the UK fashion and textile industry.