Supervised toothbrushing

Supervised Toothbrushing is a 5-10 minute activity that takes place every day within the classroom, under the supervision of staff.

It is a great way to raise awareness of the importance of oral health whilst aiming to reduce oral health inequalities within the city.

Why do we do it

In Leicester 38.6% of five-year-old children have decayed, missing or filled teeth. This is much higher than the English average and almost all preventable.  Having problems with their teeth can cause:

  • pain
  • issues with self-confidence
  • speaking
  • eating or drinking
  • missed days from school during the year for hospital extractions

Supervised toothbrushing is a robust evidence-based intervention to improve the rate of decayed teeth in children.

What will you receive

  • One-to-one tailored training
  • FREE supervised toothbrushing resources delivered annually
  • Access to our resource catalogue where you can loan oral health related items including a play dentist’s chair and giant mouth and brush models
  • Unlimited support to help you establish and maintain toothbrushing in your setting

The programme, done daily, will take less than 5 minutes to complete from start to end, but can improve the oral health of children massively. 

For more information about supervised toothbrushing and how your setting can join, please email