Integrated assessment meeting

A integrated assessment meeting (IAM) is the where the findings of the statutory assessment are discussed and a description of the child or young person’s education, health and care needs is co-produced.

The Education Health and Care Inclusion Officer invites the following to attend the IAM:

  • The parents/carers
  • Anybody that the parents/carers wishes to attend with them
  • Child or young person
  • Independent supporter
  • Professionals who have provided advice and/or who are currently involved in working with the child/young person.

Information from the child or young person’s personal profile and advice is summarised by the Education Health and Care Inclusion Officer and circulated to everyone attending the integrated assessment meeting prior to the meeting.  This is a starting point for the discussion which is led by a facilitator agreed with the family at the introductory meeting and follows a person centred process and meeting format.

Recommendations about personal budgets can also be made as part of this discussion.